The Psychology of Nicknames in the Workplace: The Power of Pootie Poot and Houdini


Do you ever get tired of calling people by their proper names? Have you worked with someone for over 5 years and you barely remember what their real, passport name is?   Maybe you have never known it. Nicknames in the workplace are all the rage these days. Former President George W. Bush was extremely fond of nicknames, perhaps because he himself had to find a way to differentiate himself from all the other George Bush’s in his family.  If you ever watched him give a press conference, you would have noticed that every time he called on a journalist, he would refer to them by some odd, and at times extremely kooky name.   The rumor is that he got his nickname-calling habit at Yale University when he was part of the Skull and Bones society. While in Skull and Bones he was supposedly given the nickname “Temporary”. Makes you wonder how his political opponents…

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Sacred Tree Profile: Eastern White Cedar (Thuja Occidentalis)

The Druid's Garden

This is a post in my ongoing series of « Sacred Trees in the Americas » where I examine the magical qualities of trees in the Midwest/Eastern/Great Lakes regions of the US. My previous posts have covered the Eastern Hemlock, Hickory, and Sugar Maple. Many more trees are to come in the upcoming year!

Since moving to the Great Lakes region six years ago, I am always delighted to find the Eastern White Cedar in many places , especially on the edges of Lake Huron or in swampy areas close to Lake Huron’s shores. I was also delighted to do this research and discover what others have learned about Cedar as a magical tree.  In this blog post, I will present a comprehensive view of the Eastern White Cedar in order to understand the tree’s magical qualities: about the tree, its name, its uses, its medicinal properties, the western…

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Diary of a Land Healer: February

The Druid's Garden

A tranquil February morning A tranquil February morning

February is here, and it is is all about flow. With the accellerating pace of climate change, February becoming is the new March–the most dynamic, engaging, extreme of the months of the year. February is a month of transition. Its a month where the ebb and flow of water, snow, rain and ice are ever present and ever changing. It is a month where the weather apologizes to no one: it is simply raw, powerful, unchecked. Just this past week here in Western Pennsylvania, we had a 60 degree day where the maple sap was flowing, then we had two days of solid rain that caused major floods in the region, and then yesterday it was a very cold day with 3” of snow overnight with a low of 15 degrees. In fact, late winter often has this kind of dynamism rarely found in other times…

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A Druid’s Meditation Primer

The Druid's Garden

In this time as the light is coming back into the world, the time surrounding Imbolc, I find myself often going deeply inward for healing and strength and turning towards meditation as a guide for spiritual balance.  This deep winter period is, of course, coming on the heels of the frenzied holiday season where many of us get burned out by the amount of hustle and bustle.  Further, many of the demands of modern living, particularly for those working wage-earning jobs, require us to move faster, be always “connected” and present with new technology, and have an increasingly fast stream of information pouring in and out of our heads. This can lead to long-term drain on the spirit. In this quiet time of the year, amidst the snows and frozen earth, various meditation techniques allow for rest, centering, and rejuvenation.

The quiet that nature provides... The quiet that nature provides…

Meditation offers us…

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rambling ratz

February is the month we associate with snowdrops, scientific name Galanthus which is Greek for ‘milk flower’.Photo of snowdrop

It is a common flower across Europe, introduced to the UK in the sixteenth century, and is a welcome sign of spring. Their seeds are particularly tasty to ants, this is how snowdrops are spread. Or gardeners can dig them up after flowering to separate some bulbs to transplant elsewhere. Snowdrops also provide nectar for bumblebees and other insects waking from hibernation. They thrive in deciduous woodland, flowering before the leaf canopy is formed to make the most of the winter sunlight.Photo of snowdrops

An alternative name for snowdrops is Candlemas bells, as they tend to appear at the start of February to coincide with the Christian festival of light. In Pagan times this was the festival of Imbolc, half way between the winter and spring equinoxes. This was a fire festival celebrated by lighting…

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11 boutiques en ligne pour acheter des aliments végétariens et végétaliens


Boutique en ligne veganComme promis dans l’article de ce matin, voici une liste (non exhaustive) de boutiques en ligne qui proposent des aliments végétariens et végétaliens :

  • La boutique en ligne du désormais célèbre  » Boucher Végétarien  » est disponible uniquement en néerlandais, mais les images et les prix sont faciles à comprendre. :-p  Les produits entièrement végétaliens sont facilement reconnaissable grâce au logo vert en forme de feuille qui contient un V blanc. ]
  • Vegan Life, une e-boutique vegan belge qui propose de la nourriture pour nous, humains, mais aussi des aliments pour chiens et chats, des vêtements, des produits d’hygiène pour le corps, des cosmétiques, des livres,etc.
  • Un Monde Vegan qui offre également des produits non alimentaires.
  • The Vegan Shop , bien que français, propose à la vente des produits importés d’Angleterre et des Etats-Unis.
  • Boutique Vegan qui semble très complète et qui me plaît beaucoup.
  • Le Comptoir Vegan aussi semble très complet.
  • Vegusto propose…

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Lessons from the Sacred Element of Water: Seasons, Places, and Spaces

The Druid's Garden

In the past two years, I have done an intensive study with water as an element. My work with water began at Alban Elfed (the Fall Equinox) in 2011, when I met Thea Worthington, OBOD Modron, at the OBOD East Coast Gathering. During our interactions at the gathering and in our conversations, she gave me some powerful mentoring and suggested to me that I « embrace the chalice. »

With this, and an incredible gift of water from the Well of Danee on Iona, I began what turned out to be a two-year study of water. Since I’ve now felt the call to study a different element for a time, I wanted to share some insights about this journey, my understanding of nature throughout the seasons, and give some suggestions for those who want to engage in advanced, extended study of water. I’ll also note that for those of you who aren’t…

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Hints of Things to Come

rambling ratz

Following on from « Green Shoots » I have become weary of waiting for the snowdrops to flower, they are being most laggardly.Photo of snowdrops emerging

They have been overtaken by the ornamental quince which is actually producing blooms.Photo of quince flowersThe promise of more pink from the cherry plum tree.Photo of cherry plum blossom buds

The crocuses emerged first from the cracks in the path. Photo of crocuses

They are now rising up from the lawn like Ray Harryhausen’s skeleton army.Photo of crocuses on lawn

Even the daffodils are threatening to bloom before them.Photo of daffodils emergingStill in the yellow corner we have the dependable winter jasmine.Photo of winter jasmine yellow flower

The mahonia promises some early nectar for any eager bees.Photo of yellow mahonia blossoms

And in the blue corner we have the of blue periwinkle flower

Last, but not forgotten, the first forget-me-not of the year has upturned its of blue forget-me-not flower

As ever, all garden activity is overseen by the ever watchful robin.

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