Year of the Rat Fabrics!

Paisley Power

The Year of The Rat 2020 is continuing to be a good year for sales of the Paisley Rats fabrics. The design was created by Patrick Moriarty in 2015. He drew the whole design by hand on paper, scanned the artwork and then completed the design using Adobe Photoshop. He was inspired by the punk rock band The Stranglers who used a rat silhouette as their logo in the 1970’s. Their debut album was called « Rattus Norvegicus » (the common rat). At the age of 12 in 1977, this album was a big influence on Patrick Moriarty, not just the songs but the rat imagery on the album cover. Patrick was also inspired by his travels to India. He surrounded the rat sihouettes by an intricate paisley pattern. Paisley patterns originate in the Kashmir region of India. In this post Patrick provides information about his range of Paisley Rats fabrics.

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